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Developing a career in-house

Development sessions for in-house lawyers

  • Event date: 24 March 2021 08:30 AM
  • Event type: Webinar
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Provided by: The Centre for Legal Leadership

Following on from the success of the past two years, this series of structured discussions are aimed at all those working in-house addressing various topics. Sessions are facilitated by two former senior in-house lawyers and operated under Chatham House rule.

This session will explore how in-house lawyers can develop their careers; how career development looks in different types of organisation; the skills and attributes needed to build a successful in-house career; the role of managers and mentors in developing others; best ways of transitioning from one position to another; and the role of career planning.

If you have further questions please contact us!

If this session isn't for you, please find our full 2021 programme here.