Community Clinic
We have collated your questions and asked GC's to give their insights - from how to balance giving legal or commercial advice to how to prepare risk registers, we will get your questions answered!
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Result(s) ordered by
Knowledge / Community Clinic
What are the pros and cons of a matrix structure of lawyers within a large organisation?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I agree with my CFO on a liability cap that is acceptable to the business?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
Risk registers - how to prepare one?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I replicate 'water-cooler' moments whilst working in a virtual workplace?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I 'issue-spot' potential risks with a commercial strategy without being seen as a 'blocker'?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
What is 'good enough'? - how to balance perfectionism and efficiency
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I build trust within my business?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I balance giving legal advice and commercial advice?
Community Clinic

An initiative for you and by you.
This is a space where in-house lawyers (you) can submit questions to each other in relation to the role of the in-house lawyer, to help with career growth and development. Learn more.