General Counsel are making new work environments and technology central to how they work, and are often more willing to take risks. They are therefore not only adapting to the opportunities of emerging processes and technologies, but are creating them. From implementing agile and lean methods to physically changing work environments, in-house departments can become efficient and start focusing on the relevant skills to position themselves at the forefront of their business. Thomson Reuters is therefore delighted to bring you this year’s GC Leadership Summit. During the event there will be 9 interactive breakout sessions to encourage an open exchange of experiences, hear success stories and challenges faced from GCs who are walking the fine line between conventional lawyering and being true business advisers. The day has been structured so whatever size team you are a part of, there will be a session for you.
Throughout the event you will hear how to:
•Understand and drive innovation within your business
•Prepare for and embrace GDPR to drive your business forward
•Set up a future-proof and mobile legal infrastructure
•Develop your legal team strategy with limited resources
•Manage risk, compliance and regulation in order to facilitate sustainable growth
•React and communicate when the cameras are put on you during a crisis
•Shake up and influence government policy during times of change
•Find the right technology and opportunities to suit your business needs
Throughout the event you will hear how to:
•Understand and drive innovation within your business
•Prepare for and embrace GDPR to drive your business forward
•Set up a future-proof and mobile legal infrastructure
•Develop your legal team strategy with limited resources
•Manage risk, compliance and regulation in order to facilitate sustainable growth
•React and communicate when the cameras are put on you during a crisis
•Shake up and influence government policy during times of change
•Find the right technology and opportunities to suit your business needs
For more information or if you need assistance booking your place for the 2017 Forum, please contact Shane Hickey:
+44 (0) 207 542 9122 or email:
For sponsorship opportunities please contact Ben Dolan:
+44 (0) 207 542 5283 or email
For more information on the Summit - please click this link to be directed to the Thomson Reuters site.