Collaboration and Communication
Do you struggle communicating with colleagues? Here we look at how you can overcome this.
Result(s) ordered by
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I replicate 'water-cooler' moments whilst working in a virtual workplace?
Knowledge / The Bigger Picture
What is citizen development and why is it important?
Knowledge / The Bigger Picture
What are the advantages of policy management software?
Knowledge / The Bigger Picture
AI and the GC
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I build trust within my business?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do you manage expectations with your stakeholders and demonstrate value?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
What is the best approach to get a "seat at the table" i.e. to regularly participate in senior leadership meetings?
Knowledge / Community Clinic
How do I get involved in commercial projects early to ensure legal issues are raised in a timely manner?
Knowledge / Leading The Team
Creating a legal exposure plan for your in-house team
Knowledge / The Bigger Picture
A positive approach to gender-neutral drafting
Knowledge / The Bigger Picture
Thought leadership
Knowledge / Delivering Services
Navigating the challenges of remote and virtual working
Knowledge / Delivering Services
What do CEOs want from their in-house lawyers?
Knowledge / Delivering Services
Using the organisation’s resources – Part 2 – using the organisation’s own specialists
Knowledge / Delivering Services