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10 reasons to contact LawCare

As World Mental Health Day falls on the 10th day of the 10th month here are 10 reasons why you might consider reaching out to legal mental health charity LawCare for support.

  1. Everyone you'll speak to on the phone, email or online chat either works in, or has worked in the law. LawCare understand life in the law and all its challenges.
  2. This service is completely confidential, you don’t even have to give your name.
  3. You can contact them about anything at all – from a bad day at work to something more serious. 
  4. They offer one-to-one peer support for those who need a bit of extra support over a period of weeks or months.
  5. LawCare support anyone working in the law in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
  6. This service is also available to law students and support staff. You can call them if you are worried about someone else.
  7. LawCare have 25 years' experience in supporting the legal community and have helped over 10,000 legal professionals to date.
  8. In some circumstances they are able to provide funding for single session therapy or a course of counselling with a counsellor or therapist.
  9. 98.5% of people who have used this support service would recommend to others.
  10. It’s completely free of charge to access LawCare’s support service.
You can contact LawCare on 0800 279 6888, email support@lawcare.org.uk or access online chat and other resources at www.lawcare.org.uk 

Join the Tell Ten campaign for World Mental Health Day and tag 10 colleagues or friends on social or send an email or text and let them know about the free, confidential service LawCare offers everyone working in the law. You never know when someone might need them.
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