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Celebrate the next generation of female leaders in law

Women Who Will - Class of 2022

This report will honour the talented and inspiring women who are future leaders in law.

After 12 months that have had a particularly heavy impact on women in the workforce, it’s more important than ever to celebrate the leadership abilities and potential of women in the legal industry.

Obelisk Support are looking for women who have shown exemplary leadership, either in a position that comes with leadership responsibilities or in a wider sense. Perhaps they have shown vision and action in the community or are acting as a champion for diversity, new technology, or novel ways of delivering legal work.

You can nominate a “Woman Who Will” from your team, law firm or professional community today, for inclusion in this year’s report.

This Women Who Will report is published in partnership with The Next 100 Years Project which aims to encourage collaboration across the legal profession to improve, encourage and support the women lawyers of the future.

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