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New Community Clinic articles!

An initiative for you and by you.

Earlier this year we asked some of our community to join this exciting endeavour that will hope will benefit you! They have been busy behind the scenes answering questions that we have received.

We are delighted to tell you we have added two new questions to the clinic that have been answered by our in-house panel.

What is 'good enough'? - how to balance perfectionism and efficiency

How do I 'issue-spot' potential risks with a commercial strategy
without being seen as a 'blocker'?

Please have a look and tell us what you think. Should you wish to participate in this initiative or find out more please contact us. Please note that you do not have to be a lawyer to join in.

An example of questions that are currently waiting to be answered are:

How do I build trust within my business?

How do you manage expectations with your stakeholders?

How can I demonstrate the value of the legal team within the company?

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