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The Lawyer as Manager
The Centre for Legal Leadership Development Programme 2019
The latest session in our Development Programme for those in-house took place in early July and brought together lawyers from different organisations and sectors to discuss some of the issues that arise when managing people, whether direct reports, your team or wider stakeholders in the organisation.
Many of us receive no formal training for the management roles we are appointed to although that is not to say that we are ill equipped to carry them out successfully - self-awareness, good interpersonal and legal skills and commercial focus should stand anyone in good stead when they step into a management role.
The session gave participants the opportunity to share their experience and learn from others. Matters of interest discussed included:-
- Recruitment
- Handling conflict
- Engaging with people, inside and outside the legal team
- Effecting change
- Pitching for resources, and
- The ethical challenge.
To read the article created from this session including six key themes and takeaways click here.
The sessions in our Development Programme allow small groups of invited in-house lawyers to discuss areas of interest, other than the law itself. So far, we have held sessions on Personal Effectiveness, Career Development, Recovering From Setbacks and The Lawyer as Manager. The next session in the series is on Delivering An In-House Legal Service (19 September). Details for the 2020 Development Programme will be announced in early Autumn.
Please contact us to register your interest or to learn more.