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Event summary: Analysing the role and ethics of the in-house lawyer
Last night we held our event - 'Analysing the role and ethics of the in-house lawyer'.
Chaired by Bruce Macmillan and expert panelists Philip Wood QC, (Special Global Counsel, Allen & Overy), Ciaran Fenton (Board Effectiveness Consultant), Anthony Kenny (Assistant General Counsel, GSK ) and Neil Hewlett (GC, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority).
The event was well received with good debate and great networking. [Perspectives will be appearing shortly].
A huge thanks to those who attended and all the speakers for sharing their expertise and views.
If you would be interested in attending any future events please let us know and if you are part of the in-house community and have a theme for an event you would like us to cover please do get in touch.