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Rebecca Cater

Head of CLL

Rebecca Cater heads up the Centre for Legal Leadership (CLL), offering a comprehensive range of business and personal support to those in-house.

Involved from the Centre's very beginning Rebecca has shaped and driven CLL to address areas of need and support. Including the creation of an extensive knowledge database structured to cover the individual; the role; the team; and wider business which has received endorsement from Thomson Reuters UK and Australia.

Having worked in-house for 11 years, Rebecca has first-hand experience of the development and operational challenges and demands faced daily by the team and brings this valuable learning directly into CLL.  She is committed to raising the profile of the in-house community through her international network.  As a strong champion of D&I, Rebecca edited the publication of 'Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession' published by Globe Law and Business.

Working in FTSE 100 and high profile companies for 30 years has given her a valuable skill set and unique exposure into strategy delivery, from the C-suite to grass roots. 

For further information on CLL Rebecca can be contacted at admin@legalleadership.co.uk


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