In November 2014, Sterling started a blog featuring lessons learned in his 20+ years as an in-house lawyer.
He knows from experience that in-house lawyers do not need a 10- page memo. You need quick points that you can digest and work into your everyday practice. Consequently, the blog is titled “Ten Things You Need to Know as In-House Counsel.” His plan is to cover interesting and important topics for in-house counsel with a “Top Ten” format.Sterling is currently CEO and Senior Counsel for the Dallas office of Hilgers Graben PLLC, focusing on litigation, data privacy, and general corporate matters. Through the firm, Sterling puts on free CLEs for in-house legal departments on any of the topics covered in his blog (in-person or via webcast). He coaches in-house lawyers and consults with in-house legal departments on numerous issues, including legal project management.
He is a daily contributor to LinkedIn where he posts short articles on legal topics (click here to see the posts) and you can follow Sterling on Twitter at @10ThingsLegal. In addition to this blog, Sterling has published four books, “The Evolution of Professional Football” and “The Slow Cooker Savant” on Amazon and at, and two books based on the blog series published by the American Bar Association available at Volume 1 and Volume 2