Behaviours and attitudes

I really enjoyed reading the article on Behaviours and attitudes and it got me wondering about the tools and techniques that others may have used, particularly in relation to the development of both individuals and teams.

Paul Bentall on 15/08/18

As the article says, mostly organisations get their hiring decisions right and they'll use a range of tools and techniques to not only ascertain competence, but also to uncover an individual's ambition, motivation and the 'soft' skills required to operate as a modern in-house lawyer. 

I'm sure everyone will recognise the importance of well written job profiles and testing interview processes to ensure successful hires. But what particular tools have you used that you felt really worked? And if this involved behavioural profiling, which tools would you recommend? On a personal note, I'm not a fan of graphology which I guess is rarely, if ever, now used but was popular at one time. I was being interviewed for a role many years ago and was asked, mid-interview, to write out a verse from my favourite poem. Needless to say, my mind froze, and the only poem that I could easily recall was the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll! I don't know if my interviewers were expecting a more erudite offering but I didn't get the job!

Having made that successful hire, how did you go about developing the team? Did you use any particular tools and techniques - for example, secondments (in or out), business project engagements, off-site team building, 'soft' skills T&D and, if relevant, behavioural profiling? There are a range of profiling tools around – Myer-Briggs (ESTJ since you ask), DISC, TMP and LIFO (and may others) all of which claim to help in building teams with a cross section of relevant and complementary skills. Personally, I've always found these tools both interesting and useful, certainly on a personal level and in relation to behaviour in both 'steady state' and under pressure and in relation to individual and group behaviours.

Do share, as your experience may well be useful to others.   


To read the article that this viewpoint is referencing click here.
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Viewpoint / The Bigger Picture Being on the "Hamster Wheel" ....

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Bruce Macmillan on 12/10/17